Sunday, January 3, 2010

Why do Label Printers range in cost so much?

There are only a couple of Label Printers on the market that are very cheap, in comparison to others, for no obvious reason. The reason generally is that the consumables must be bought from the printer manufacturer. If you are only doing small measures of labelings (say less than a couple of thousand) then this may suitable you, otherwise the cost of consumables will be very high. You can put away a lot of money on consumables by buying a label printer that uses "generic labels and ribbons". The printer may charge you more but the overall cost will be much lower over time.

While we are asked for a price of a label printer the first question is how many labels are you going to be printing over say 6 months. Most people are unsuspecting for this question but it decides the quality of the printer for the job. For example, if you were going to propel a letter to every person in Australia (say 20 million) then you would build sure your printer was built to handle this. Likewise, a label printer is capable of 20 million labels is built totally differently to a label printer capable of say 200,000 labels.

1 comment:

  1. For more information about label printers please check Adstik Labels -
